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Friday, December 21, 2012

Last Example-Solving Systems of Linear Equations using Substitution

Example of how to solve the system of linear equations using substitution

Equation 1: y = x + 5

Equation 2: y = 2x + 2

Practice Problem seven  solution of system of equations

Solving Systems of Linear Equations-Substitution

ASA class!

Here's one more video on Solving Systems of Linear Equations but this time we are using Substitution!


Solving Systems of Linear Equations-Elimination

ASA Class! 

Here is a great video on Solving systems of linear equations using "Elimination"


Engrade updates!

Greetings Al Nur Algebra II!

I have updated grades on engrade! If you notice you have a " 60%" for a grade that means you did not turn in that assignment! If you would like to make up assignments please email me or speak to me after class!

Over the break I'll post some helpful videos on the topics we have been discussing in class!

Merry Christmas!! lol ok just kidding just kidding!

Enjoy your long weekend see you next week!

Sis. Ashley

Sunday, December 2, 2012


So class,

Are there any topics your struggling with??

Friday, December 7 we will have our exam on Chapter 2!

On wednesday I will do a review session on chapter 2 during class, maybe play a game and answer any questions you have. If you need help on a specific topic let me know below what that topic is so I can find some different problems on that topic. 

Discussion VI

ASA Al Nur Algebra II Class!

Lets work on our word problem skills!

Keith has $500 in a savings account at the beginning of the summer. He wants to have at least $200 in the account by the end of the summer. He withdraws $25 each week for food, clothes and movie tickets. Write an inequality that represents Keith's situation. How many weeks can Keith withdraw money from his account? Should you use an inequality or an equal sign? Why? Justify your answer.

Remember, discussions are written in paragraph form (at least 4 sentences).

Due: Tuesday, December 4, 2012 @ midnight!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Discussion Question 5


Discuss how we are to determine the slope of a graph. Also, what two forms of equations representing a graph did we learn in class on Friday? Is understanding slope important when using these forms? Why or why not? Lastly, what does the x-intercept and y-intercept tell us a about a graph?

Due Date: Monday, November 19, 2012 @ 11:59pm. 

Don't forget, the correct way to answer your discussion questions are in complete sentences in paragraph form. I did not take off points last discussion question, but I will in the future if you do not answer them in the correct format. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Proportions Word Problem Video


Here is a great video on how to word problems using proportions! Remember if your having trouble, practice, practice, practice! There are many great examples in the video.

Watch Below!

Discussion Question 4

ASA Everyone!


Today we went over proportions. Define the word proportion(mathematics term).
Suppose it takes 48 slices of bean pie to feed Mr. Muhammad's 4th grade class of 20 students. How many slices of bean pie would be needed for 30 students?

Hint: make a proportion!

Due: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 @ 11:59 pm.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Final Exam Last Minute Notes


Don't forget tomorrow is your Algebra II final!

We will start the final at 8:40am! Come prepared with your pencil and calculator!

Also, don't forget your warm-ups and your review packet. Your review packet is 15% of your final grade and for each warm-up brought tomorrow you will receive one extra credit point toward your final.

Study Hard!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Discussion Question 3

What is a linear equation? Is there one set way to solve a linear equation? Why or why not?

Due: Monday November 5, 2012 @ 11:59pm

Remember, always write your comments in complete sentences. Your comments should be at least 5 sentences long (a paragraph).

Video on How to Solve Linear Equations

Here's a helpful video on Linear Equations by Khan academy!


Homework Help- Linear Equations


Having trouble with linear equations? Remember the goal is to get all variables on one said of the equal sign and get all numbers on the other side of the equal sign.

For example: Number 25 in your book work pg. 21

2z - 3 = 6z + 25

1. We notice that on each side of the equal sign there is a variable and a number ( 2z - 3, 6z + 25)
2. We need to move the numbers all on one side.
3. Lets move the 3 first. Since the three is subtracted we add it to both sides to get rid of it.

2z - 3 = 6z + 25
     +3         +3
2z +0 = 6z + 28     or      2z = 6z + 28 ( I removed the zero)

4. But we are still not done. We need to get all the "like" terms on one side. Lets move the z's all to one side and keep the numbers on the other. In order to do that we must subtract 6z from both sides.

2z = 6z + 28
-6z   -6z
-4z = 0 + 28      or    -4z = 28

5. Last step, solve for z. Since the -4 is multiplied by the z, divide -4 on both sides of the equal sign.

-4z = 28
----    ----
-4      -4

z = -7

Monday, October 29, 2012

Grades on Engrade!

Grades are up on Engrade! Check them out!



Quiz on Wednesday (10/31) over transformations and parent functions! Make sure you do your homework!

Also, a lot of you are having trouble on parent functions and transformations, watch the video, ask your classmates for help, or come to office hours! There are no excuses to not have your homework complete and prepared for the quiz. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Discussion Question 2


Discussion question 2 is below:
1. Compare the domain and the range for the parent quadratic function to the domain and range for the parent linear function.

2. Compare the domain and the range for the parent square root function to the domain and range for the parent cubic function.

Leave your answer below in the comments section.
Answer the questions in complete sentences in paragraph form.

Due: Wednesday ( October 31, 2012) @ 11:59pm

Homework/Extra Credit/Parent Functions Extra Help


Thank you for all your feedback on the class. Some helpful changes will be made to improve the class!
Don't forget:

1. Complete your book work (Chapter 2.7) #'s 21-28 ---yes you must graph! Due Monday in class. 
2. Complete your parent functions worksheet. Still confused on parent functions? Watch the video
          below! Still confused?? Ask questions in class on Monday! Due Monday in class.
3. Discussion question 1 is due Monday @ 11:59 pm. Post your answer to the discussion question
           in the section below. Remember your answer should be at least 5 sentences (a paragraph). Answer
           the question in paragraph form.

4. Extra Credit? Complete pages 5-6 in the green workbook. Due Wednesday in class.

Here is a helpful video on parent functions!

Click here for the video!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012



I have updated the test grades with your extra credit if you turned in the syllabus bonus sheet or your warmups. Ask me about your grade on Friday.

Welcome & First Discussion Question

ASA Class!

Our start was a bit rocky, but In'shallah the class will pick up with full speed! I will use this blog to post daily discussion questions, reminders, helpful videos, homework hints and much more! You all should check the blog daily for new information and helpful homework links. I'm excited for our full math day on Friday! If you have any questions leave a comment below!

Below is a video of transformations! Watch!

 Discussion Question 1: What does a transformation tell us about a graph?
 Leave your answer to the discussion question below. To add a comment click the comments/no comments link below. 
Due: October 29, 2012 @ 11:59 pm