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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Discussion XI

Greetings Algebra II Al Nur,

For Discussion XI, define a monomial and polynomial. How do we determine the degree of a polynomial? How do we write a polynomial in standard form? What are the different methods we use to divide polynomials? What are the different methods we can use to factor polynomials?

Due: Sunday, April 21, 2013 @ 11:59pm.


Sis. Ashley


  1. A monomial is an algebraic expression with only one term a polynomial is an algebraic expression with two or more terms. To determine the degree of a polynomial you look at the highest power or exponent. To write a polynomial in standard form you put the numbers in order from the highest power to the lowest. To divide polynomials you can use simplification and reduction, long division, or synthetic division. You can factor a polynomial by using grouping or looking at the sum/difference of two cubes.

  2. A polynomial is an algebraic expression with many terms and a monomial has only one term. You can determine the degree of a polynomial by whatever the highest exponent is. A polynomial is in standard form when the exponents are in order from the largest to the smallest. Synthetic, grouping, and long division are ways you can divide polynomials. Polynomials can be factored by grouping and the same method using for factoring quadratic equations.

  3. A monomial is a number , a variable, or a product of numbers and variables.A polynomial is a monomial or a sum of of monomials. In order to determine the degree of a polynomial you have to see which has the highest exponent. You write a polynomial in standard form by putting the exponents from greatest to least.Different methods that can be used to divide polynomials are long division,synthetic division, simplification and reduction.Different methods to factor polynomials are by grouping.

  4. A monomial is an algebraic expression having exactly one term. A polynomial is an expression of more than two algebraic terms. To determine the degree of a polynomial : (1) combine like terms, (2) drop all constants and coefficients, (3) put the terms in decreasing order of their exponents, (4) find the power of the first term. To write a polynomial in standard form you put the numbers in order from the highest power to the lowest.To divide polynomials you can use simplification and reduction, long division, or synthetic division. We can use the Remainder Theorem, grouping, and the sum/difference of two cubes to factor polynomials.

  5. A polynomial is an expression with different terms.
    A monomial just has one term.
    You can determine the degree of a polynomial by finding the highest exponent. Standard form is when the exponents are in order from the largest to the smallest. We can use synthetic division, grouping, and long division for polynomials. You can factor polynomials by using the grouping method.
