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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Discussion Question X

ASA Al Nur Algebra II!

Describe in your own words the differences between a linear function and a quadratic function. Give at least two differences.

Fill in the blank: You can use the __________ of a quadratic function to determine the equation's number and type of solutions.

Lastly, what would your quadratic function be given the zero's/roots  x = 8 and x = -2?
     I want you to use your critical thinking skills and what we have learned so far in class to figure this

Due: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 @ 11:59pm

-Sis. Ashley-


  1. Quadratic equations are very different from linear equations. Linear equation become lines when graphed, but quadratic equations become parabolas. You can use the determinant to find data for a quadratic. 32x^2-6+48

  2. I would say Quadratic equations are different from linear equations.Quadratic equations become parabolas while linear equations become lines when both are graphed of course determinants come to the party by finding data for a quadratic equation like this for example:9^3+5-45

  3. A linear function is one where the solution set can be drawn as a line. For example, something of the form y = mx + b, and the important difference in the equation is that both x and y are not raised to any powers. A quadratic function is one where the solution set can be drawn as a parabola which is a special curve shape. The equation generally involves either x or y raised to the second power.

  4. A linear equation and a quadratic equation in many different ways. The standard form for the equations are very different and in the quadratic equation the x is squared. You can use the determinant of a quadratic function to determine the equation's number and type of solutions. x^2-4x-0.

  5. The difference between a linear and quadratic equation is a linear equation is in the form of y=mx+b and a quadratic equation is in the form of y=ax^2+bx+c. You can use the determinant of a quadratic function to determine the equation's number and type of solutions.

  6. When you graph a quadratic function it forms a "U" shape and the equation is ax2+bx+c=-0 is squared. When a linear function forms a line when ou graph it and it has the y+mx+b formula. You can use the determinant of a quadratic function to determine the equation's number and type of solutions. x2(squared)-16x+62.

  7. You can use the the determinant of a quadratic function to determine the equation's number and type of solutions. You can use the determinant of a quadratic function to figure out the equation's number and what type of solution it is.
