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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Discussion Question VII

ASA Al Nur Algebra II!

So, in class on Monday we took a quiz. The grades will be posted on Engrade this afternoon. From now on I will probably give more quizzes in class since many of you all are not turning in your homework on time.

Therefore the next Quiz will be on Friday. Try to make it to class on time by letting your parents know you have a quiz the first thirty minutes of class. If you don't make it on time you will have to take a make up quiz in office hours.

So on to the discussion question,

How do we find the solution to a system of linear inequalities? Be specific! Remember your answer should be in paragraph form (at least five sentences). 


  1. To find the solution to a system of linear inequalities, you have to graph both equations individually and then find out what area or areas overlaps on the graph. What ever area is shaded in for both inequalities, then that shaded area is the solution to both inequalities.

  2. A system of linear inequalities in two variables consists of at least two linear inequalities in the same variables. The solution of a linear inequality is the ordered pair that is a solution to all inequalities in the system and the graph of the linear inequality is the graph of all solutions of the system.

  3. Write the inequality in slope-intercept form or in the form y = mx + b. Temporarily exchange the given inequality symbol, for the equal symbol. In doing so, you can treat the inequality like an equation. BUT DO NOT forget to replace the equal symbol with the original inequality symbol at the END of the problem.Plug different values for x to find points that will be graphed in the form (x,y). Refer back to the original problem and look at the inequality sign, in order to determine if the line is solid or dotted, and to determine where to shade.

  4. First you must put both inequalities in slope-intercept form. After you have done that replace the equal sign back with the inequality sign. Next, find out if you will have to divide by a negative number to see if the sign will change if not the proceed to graphing. After you graphed the first line shade where the numbers will make the inequality true and do the same for the other. Finally, find the overlapping area where both inequalities are both true.

  5. To find the solution to a system of linear inequalities first you have to put all of the inequalities into slope intercept form= y=mx+b. Once you do that, you change your inequality symbol to an equal sign. Once you solve your inequality you can graph the first line and second line and shade above or below the line.Depending on the sign in the inequality will tell if it's a solid or dotted line.

  6. First you sketch the line that corresponds to each inequality. ( Get it into slope intercept for y=mx+b) if necessary). Use a dashed line for inequalities with < or > and a solid line for <= or =>. Afterwards, you lightly shade the half plane that is the graph of each linear inequality. It it's best to use colors. The graph of the system is the intersection of each of the half-planes. If you use color pencils, it is the region that has been shaded with every color.

  7. ASA, Sis.Ahsley! no disrespect but, what happened today in class(Jan. 18,2013) was not fair to me and a couple of other classmates. None of the student completed their homework who came, Wednesday because, we did not understand, you taught the method for about 10 minutes at the most and expected us to get it like that. Before you left you saw that we were still kind of shaky on the subject but, we got penalized for not completing the homework. When Aishah came into the classroom and you asked her did she complete her homework and she said "no" just, as the others and myself did but,you also asked her did she at least attempt to do it and she said yes and you let her off the hook for the test. I know for sure that Me, Nyrice, and Aziz stayed up all night trying to do that work but, we still had to take a test and nobody else did. I don't even understand why everybody didn't take that test in the first place, it was a concept we went over before so, everybody could have took that test. I didn't understand about 2 things on the test so, that's going to count against my grade and right not I have a B average and I don't need that to go any lower. Nyrice also thought it wasn't fair because when she was sick we went over a whole new concept but, she still had to take the test and she made a 60 of course because, she didn't know any information but, you still included that in her grade but, you didn't do that to these other students.

  8. WAS Destiny! Well im glad you let me know your frustration because I am too frustrated with many of you who do not do your homework and today was the day that i had enough. Now, at the beginning of class I asked who did their homework. NO ONE stated that they tried to do the homework. I am not going to help you on something you did not attempt to do. Now, if you did attempt to do the homework you should have spoke up and stated that. If you did not understand then you should have stated that. The homework was not about plotting single points it was about plotting a line, which everyone said they understood. Now just because your are sick or not feeling well doesn't excuse your from having to take an exam or quiz. If your not feeling well, let me know. I can't read minds. Now, as far as the test goes, everything on the test WE HAVE ALREADY COVERERD and have been covering for the last THREE WEEKS! If you still don't understand then ask for more practice work or see when you cant meet me outside of class. Lastly, the students who were not present when we went over the topic did not have to take the quiz because they were absent and could not attempt the homework because they missed the lecture. Now next time, speak up in class if you dont understand or if you did try the homework. Then show me. But I am not going to allow any one else to come into my class without attempting the homework. I can stand on the board all day and teach but if you dont practice on your own, you will never learn. As far as Aisha, she said she tried the homework and didn't understand. I didn't hear anyone else say that and neither did I see anyone else's ATTEMP! Now Im not dropping the quiz grade because that material you yourself said you understood prior to the quiz. You all have to learn to use your critical thinking skills and not expect me to teach you how to do EVERY type of problem. Those problems on the quiz we have done similar ones. On monday, I am not going over the quiz. Ask Aziz or Jabaar to help you or ask me when I am available to tutor you. If you have any more questions let me know. And come to class on Monday with your homework done.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Oh and I forgot two points, the quiz Nyrice took was over information we had already covered in class. She knew that information. Now, if Nyrice has a concern she herself should have came to me. Maat told me she let Nyrice know about the quiz. So that was a fabrication. Also, It is not my job to make sure you keep a B in the class it is your job to make sure of that. So if you want to keep a good grade you have to work hard and come to class prepared with homework attempted, questions to ask, and eager to learn. I don't expect you all to agree with everything that I do. I am not your friend, I am your teacher. And you will come to my class prepared or you will be dismissed from my class. You all are very bright and intelligent and can really succeed and do well in my class, but it takes hard work and you have to be motivated and want to do well. I want you all to make A's but you have to want that for yourself and work hard to achieve that. I can be really nice but you all have pushed me to crack down.

    Anywho, have a great weekend and I will see you wednesday! Sorry i forgot no class on monday.
