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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Discussion XI

Greetings Algebra II Al Nur,

For Discussion XI, define a monomial and polynomial. How do we determine the degree of a polynomial? How do we write a polynomial in standard form? What are the different methods we use to divide polynomials? What are the different methods we can use to factor polynomials?

Due: Sunday, April 21, 2013 @ 11:59pm.


Sis. Ashley

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Help before the test?

ASA Class!

Are there any specific questions you have on the topics that will be covered on the exam??

Put your questions in the comments section below and I will answer them asap.

Also, I have posted a few videos on some topics I feel you all may have a little trouble in.

This one is solving quadratic inequalities...

This one is completing the square....

Thursday, March 14, 2013


ASA Al Nur Algebra II!

So as you all know, you have a project due very soon over quadratic functions. Here is a cool video on some quadratic functions that some students put together.


Discussion Question X

ASA Al Nur Algebra II!

Describe in your own words the differences between a linear function and a quadratic function. Give at least two differences.

Fill in the blank: You can use the __________ of a quadratic function to determine the equation's number and type of solutions.

Lastly, what would your quadratic function be given the zero's/roots  x = 8 and x = -2?
     I want you to use your critical thinking skills and what we have learned so far in class to figure this

Due: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 @ 11:59pm

-Sis. Ashley-

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Discussion Question IX

ASA Class!

So now we are covering quadratic functions which as you all can see are very different from linear functions.

1. What is the standard form for a quadratic function? What is the vertex form for a quadratic function?

Watch the video below!

NOTE: When she says find the equation of the axis of symmetry all she means is find the axis of symmetry like we do in class. 

2. What vertex did she obtain in the video? Was her vertex a maximum or minimum?

3. Did her graph open upwards or downwards? How do we in general determine whether a graph opens upward or downward?

4. Was her graph more narrow or wider than the parent graph y = f(x) ^2 ?

5. Lastly, in class on Friday bring in the completed example worked out on the video ( I want you to work the example yourself). You can choose to complete the problem the way she did or the way we learned in class ( you don't have to make a table).

You must complete each question in this discussion to obtain credit. No late submissions excepted. 

Due: Friday, March 8, 2012 @ 8:30am

Sis. Ashley

Friday, February 15, 2013

Reading Assignment

Asa! So today I will not be able to make it to class. I want you all to read the following article below and discuss whether or not you agree with the comments being made. Also discuss your opinion on the topic. Why do you feel many middle school children find a disinterest in math? Do you have a disinterest in math? Why or why not?

Due: Sunday, February 16 @ 11:59pm

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Discussion Question VIII


So this week, we have been learning the basics of matrix operations. Can we add any two matrices? Are there any rules that go along with adding matrices? Can we multiply any two matrices? Are there any rules that go along with multiplying matrices? When multiplying matrices, how do we determine the size of the final matrix?

Are you having a hard time understanding matrices? What advice can you give to your classmates to help them with computing matrix operations?

Remember: We answer discussion questions in paragraph form with complete sentences. 

DUE DATE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2012 @ 11:59pm

Having Trouble multiplying matrices?!


Here is a great video to help you understand multiplying matrices better!



Attend Office Hours on Friday's if your having trouble!

-Sis. Ashley

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Discussion Question VII

ASA Al Nur Algebra II!

So, in class on Monday we took a quiz. The grades will be posted on Engrade this afternoon. From now on I will probably give more quizzes in class since many of you all are not turning in your homework on time.

Therefore the next Quiz will be on Friday. Try to make it to class on time by letting your parents know you have a quiz the first thirty minutes of class. If you don't make it on time you will have to take a make up quiz in office hours.

So on to the discussion question,

How do we find the solution to a system of linear inequalities? Be specific! Remember your answer should be in paragraph form (at least five sentences).