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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Discussion Question 3

What is a linear equation? Is there one set way to solve a linear equation? Why or why not?

Due: Monday November 5, 2012 @ 11:59pm

Remember, always write your comments in complete sentences. Your comments should be at least 5 sentences long (a paragraph).


  1. A linear equation is an algebraic equation in which each term is either a constant or the product of a constant and the (first power) of a single variable. Linear equations can have one or more variables. A common form of a linear equation is working within the y and x axis. There is no set way to solve a linear equation. People solve linear equations many ways and get the same answers, even thou they are using different methods. The end result should always be an accurate function. There are most common ways to solve a linear equation but, like I said there is no one way.

  2. Linear Equation- An equation between two variables that gives a straight line when plotted on a graph.

    There is more than one way of solving a linear equation, because it all depends on the problem and the procedures needed to be used. Some equations may have more problems within it than others. Or, some problems may require for you to use multiplication, rather than just adding.
    On top of that, in mathematics, there is no one set way to solve a problem. You can see many people displaying their way (or the way they were tought) on how to solve an equation and STILL get an identical answer to someone else with a different technique.

  3. A Linear Equation is a you have to get all of your like terms together,to get rid of the problems then add.It also has a straight line,gives two variables,they have has a basis of linear algebra.

  4. This function is often confused with the affine function

  5. A Liner Equation is an equation between two variables that give a srtaight line when plotted on a graph. It is also an algebraic expression in which each term is either a constant or the product of a constant and (the first product of) a single variable. No, there is no set way of sloving a liner equation. Everyone has there own little wayor should I say method of solving linear equations. Some choose to make everything difficult and others like to keep it simple.

  6. A linear equation is an equation that makes a straight line when it is graphed. No. There is no set way you can solve the same problem. Like aishah said in here answer people use differne tways to do the same problems. Im sure there is more than 2 ways to solve tha same equation.

  7. A linear equation in two variables describes a relationship in which the value of one of the variables depends on the value of the other variable. It is an equation that forms a straight line on a graph. There's no one way to do it. Linear equations can have either one variable or 2 but there are multiple ways to solve for the variables. Some linear equations are really, really easy to solve. There is only one solution but through trial and error you'll find more than way to get your answer. Some linear equations are more complicated than others so you have to use different steps to solve it.

  8. A linear is an equation that has a variable on either and when graphed plots a straight line. Your objective is to solve for the variables and makes sure the equation is equal. There no set way to solve this particular type of equation because all of them differ. Some have solutions while others do not have any solutions at all. Depending on the person they might prefer a certain way but there is always more than one way.

  9. Linear equations are algebraic equations of the form y = mx + b, where x and y are variables, m is the slope of the equation and b is a constant. An equation is linear because, when graphed, it forms a straight line. Simple methods can be used to solve a linear equation. There is no one set way to a linear equation because some equations require different steps to solving them. Some linear equations are more advanced than others so they require more or different steps.

  10. A linear equation is between two variables that gives a straight line when plotted on a graph. If the line isn't strait when you plot it there's no way it can be linear equation.
